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  • Best experience with Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Edge is the preferred browser for using ChurchTranslation. You will achieve the best speech recognition results using the Microsoft browser. It can be downloaded and installed for free. Make sure that all settings are properly configured to fully utilize its capabilities.
  • Quality of translation
    Even though it is possible to transmit the sermon directly from the pulpit through the mixing console and an audio interface into the app, we still recommend using simultaneous interpreters for the translation service. This significantly enhances the quality, and the person can also respond to language requests and approve access permissions. Bibletexts can be triggered, and good support can be provided. A small team that simultaneously repeats the sermon in both the preacher’s language and their own native language is sufficient and ensures the best quality. Your Team only needs a Tablet or a Laptop and can start translating. Your team will become better at using the app and the quality of the translation will increase to 100%. Obwohl es möglich ist, die Predigt direkt von der Kanzel über das Mischpult und eine Audioschnittstelle in die App zu übertragen, empfehlen wir dennoch, Simultandolmetscher für den Übersetzungsdienst zu nutzen. Dies verbessert die Qualität erheblich, und die Person kann auch auf Sprachanfragen reagieren und Zugriffsberechtigungen bestätigen. Bibeltexte können eingeblendet werden, und guter Support kann geboten werden. Ein kleines Team, das die Predigt gleichzeitig in der Sprache des Predigers und in ihrer eigenen Muttersprache wiedergibt, reicht aus und sorgt für die beste Qualität. Dein Team benötigt nur ein Tablet oder einen Laptop, um mit der Übersetzung zu beginnen. Mit der Zeit wird dein Team immer besser im Umgang mit der App, und die Übersetzungsqualität wird sich auf 100 % steigern.
  • Introduction in German
    Eine Einführung in Churchtranslation auf Deutsch. Kirchliche Übersetzungsdienste: Echtzeit-Sprachlösungen für Kirchen Bei Church Translation unterstützen wir mehrsprachige Kirchen mit nahtlosen Echtzeit-Übersetzungen für Predigten, Bibelstudien und andere Gottesdienste. Mit Spracherkennungstechnologie werden gesprochene Predigten sofort in über 120 Sprachen übersetzt, die Teilnehmer auf ihren Smartphones verfolgen können. Egal, ob Ihre Gemeinde spanischsprachige, mandarinsprechende oder andere Mitglieder hat – unser Dienst ermöglicht es, dass Ihre Botschaft ohne Sprachbarrieren klar und verständlich bei allen ankommt. Für Kirchen, die internationale Veranstaltungen oder Gottesdienste abhalten, bietet unser cloud-basierter Übersetzungsdienst zuverlässige und schnelle Übersetzungen. Die App ist benutzerfreundlich und erlaubt es den Mitgliedern, die Predigt in Echtzeit zu lesen oder zu hören, was das inklusive Gottesdiensterlebnis verbessert und Menschen aus allen Nationen einlädt, sich tief mit Ihren Diensten zu verbinden. Maßgeschneiderte und kosteneffiziente Lösungen für Kirchen Unser Preismodell ist auf Kirchen jeder Größe zugeschnitten. Anders als bei herkömmlichen Übersetzungsdiensten zahlen Sie nur nach tatsächlicher Nutzung, was sicherstellt, dass Sie das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis erhalten. Keine versteckten Gebühren und flexible Preise machen unseren Dienst zugänglich für kleine Zusammenkünfte bis hin zu großen mehrsprachigen Events. Wie es funktioniert Church Translation verwendet moderne Spracherkennung und Cloud-Technologie. Predigten werden in Echtzeit verarbeitet, und Übersetzungen sind über eine App oder Webplattform verfügbar. Dadurch können Mitglieder den übersetzten Inhalt entweder lesen oder hören und erleben so einen vollständig integrierten Gottesdienst. Globale Reichweite für lokale Kirchen Durch die Integration von Church Translation in Ihr Angebot wird Ihre Kirche Teil eines globalen Netzwerks, das mehrsprachigen Gemeinden barrierefreien Gottesdienst bietet. Besonders für Gemeinden mit Immigranten oder internationalen Teilnehmern ist dieser Service von Vorteil. Egal, ob Ihre Kirche groß oder klein ist, unser System passt sich Ihren Bedürfnissen an und sorgt dafür, dass sich jeder willkommen und eingebunden fühlt.
  • What does ChurchTranslation cost
    The monthly costs are calculated transparently based on actual usage. The costs can be tracked precisely in the dashboard. The fees depend on two main factors: the number of characters spoken or typed and the number of languages required. For each character spoken or typed, the fee is multiplied by the number of requested translations. This means that costs can vary depending on the specific needs of your church. However, you have full control and can adjust usage daily to meet your requirements. You only pay for what you actually use, ensuring that your expenses are precisely tailored to your needs. We have intentionally chosen not to implement a subscription model or a trial period. If you’d like to try Church Translation, the costs will be minimal because you can test our service with a small amount of text. Since we don't use a subscription system, once you're convinced of our service, you can take your time to build a team and prepare everything. You only incur costs again when you start working with the tool.
  • Online since 1.9.2024 - Future development
    Our goal is to develop an app that makes every sermon accessible in any language. The app went live on September 1, 2024. Improvements and further ideas are constantly being adapted. We welcome your feedback to further improve the user experience. Church Translation Services: Real-Time Language Solutions for Churches At Church Translation, we aim to support multilingual churches with seamless real-time translations for sermons, Bible studies, and other church services. Our service includes audio translations into over 120 languages, ensuring that everyone, regardless of language, can fully participate in your services. With speech recognition technology, spoken sermons are translated in real-time, and attendees can access these translations on their smartphones via our user-friendly app. In today’s multicultural world, many churches struggle with language barriers among their members. Whether you have Spanish-speaking, Mandarin, Portuguese, or any other language community, Church Translation provides the tools you need to foster greater understanding and engagement. Our service allows you to preach the Word of God without worrying about language gaps, ensuring your message reaches everyone clearly. For churches hosting international events, missionary outreaches, or regular services, our cloud-based translation service delivers reliable and fast translations. The app is designed for ease of use, so members can follow along live, reading or listening to the sermon in their own language. This service enhances your inclusive worship experience, inviting people from all nations to engage deeply with your services. Customizable and Cost-Effective Church Solutions Our pricing model is designed to be accessible for churches of all sizes. Unlike traditional translation services, you only pay based on actual usage, which ensures that you’re getting the best value for your money. There are no surprise fees, and the flexible pricing can accommodate everything from small gatherings to large, multi-lingual events. How It Works Church Translation is powered by cutting-edge speech recognition and cloud technology. Sermons are processed in real-time, and translations are available through an app or web platform. This allows members to access the translated content either by reading or listening, creating a fully integrated worship experience. Global Reach for Local Churches By incorporating Church Translation into your ministry, you become part of a global network of churches offering accessible worship to multilingual congregations. This service is especially beneficial for communities with immigrants or international attendees. Whether your church is large or small, our system scales to meet your needs, ensuring everyone feels welcome and included.
  • Only Europe? A soft launch.
    At ChurchTranslation, we have chosen to begin our service with a soft launch. Currently (for the month of september and october 2024), our services are exclusively available to European churches. However, we anticipate expanding our offerings globally in the near future.
  • Contact our Support
    If you have any questions, please write to our support team. We will try to answer as quickly as possible. Church Translation Services: Real-Time Language Solutions for Churches At Church Translation, we aim to support multilingual churches with seamless real-time translations for sermons, Bible studies, and other church services. Our service includes audio translations into over 120 languages, ensuring that everyone, regardless of language, can fully participate in your services. With speech recognition technology, spoken sermons are translated in real-time, and attendees can access these translations on their smartphones via our user-friendly app. In today’s multicultural world, many churches struggle with language barriers among their members. Whether you have Spanish-speaking, Mandarin, Portuguese, or any other language community, Church Translation provides the tools you need to foster greater understanding and engagement. Our service allows you to preach the Word of God without worrying about language gaps, ensuring your message reaches everyone clearly. For churches hosting international events, missionary outreaches, or regular services, our cloud-based translation service delivers reliable and fast translations. The app is designed for ease of use, so members can follow along live, reading or listening to the sermon in their own language. This service enhances your inclusive worship experience, inviting people from all nations to engage deeply with your services. Customizable and Cost-Effective Church Solutions Our pricing model is designed to be accessible for churches of all sizes. Unlike traditional translation services, you only pay based on actual usage, which ensures that you’re getting the best value for your money. There are no surprise fees, and the flexible pricing can accommodate everything from small gatherings to large, multi-lingual events. How It Works Church Translation is powered by cutting-edge speech recognition and cloud technology. Sermons are processed in real-time, and translations are available through an app or web platform. This allows members to access the translated content either by reading or listening, creating a fully integrated worship experience. Global Reach for Local Churches By incorporating Church Translation into your ministry, you become part of a global network of churches offering accessible worship to multilingual congregations. This service is especially beneficial for communities with immigrants or international attendees. Whether your church is large or small, our system scales to meet your needs, ensuring everyone feels welcome and included.
  • Best experience with Microsoft Edge Webbrowser - Language settings
    Microsoft Edge is the preferred browser for using ChurchTranslation. You will achieve the best speech recognition results using the Microsoft browser. It can be downloaded and installed for free. Make sure that all settings are properly configured to fully utilize its capabilities. Microsoft Edge ist der bevorzugte Browser für die Nutzung von ChurchTranslation. Mit dem Microsoft-Browser erzielst du die besten Ergebnisse bei der Spracherkennung. Er kann kostenlos heruntergeladen und installiert werden. Stelle sicher, dass alle Einstellungen korrekt konfiguriert sind, um die volle Leistungsfähigkeit des Browsers auszuschöpfen.
  • Quality of translation
    Even though it is possible to transmit the sermon directly from the pulpit through the mixing console and an audio interface into the app, we still recommend using simultaneous interpreters for the translation service. This significantly enhances the quality, and the person can also respond to language requests and approve access permissions. Bibletexts can be triggered, and good support can be provided. A small team that simultaneously repeats the sermon in both the preacher’s language and their own native language is sufficient and ensures the best quality. Your Team only needs a Tablet or a Laptop and can start translating. Your team will become better at using the app and the quality of the translation will increase to 100%. Obwohl es möglich ist, die Predigt direkt von der Kanzel über das Mischpult und eine Audioschnittstelle in die App zu übertragen, empfehlen wir dennoch, Simultandolmetscher für den Übersetzungsdienst zu nutzen. Dies verbessert die Qualität erheblich, und die Person kann auch auf Sprachanfragen reagieren und Zugriffsberechtigungen bestätigen. Bibeltexte können eingeblendet werden, und guter Support kann geboten werden. Ein kleines Team, das die Predigt gleichzeitig in der Sprache des Predigers und in ihrer eigenen Muttersprache wiedergibt, reicht aus und sorgt für die beste Qualität. Dein Team benötigt nur ein Tablet oder einen Laptop, um mit der Übersetzung zu beginnen. Mit der Zeit wird dein Team immer besser im Umgang mit der App, und die Übersetzungsqualität wird sich auf 100 % steigern.
  • Where do I find my Youtube-Canal-ID
    Where can you find the YouTube ID to embed your livestream? Go to Settings, then Advanced Settings, and copy your Channel ID from there. Where can you find the YouTube ID to embed your livestream? Go to Settings, then Advanced Settings, and copy your Channel ID from there.
  • Integrate Youtube livestream without delay
    "How can you bring the translation to the mobile app at the same time as the livestream? Use the Ultra Low Latency option in the livestream settings. With this setting, the livestream will reach the app with only a 3–5 second delay. Since the translation takes about the same amount of time to be spoken and transmitted, both video and audio will arrive almost simultaneously in the mobile app. The quality of the livestream is usually not affected by this. Have fun testing. Wie kannst du die Übersetzung gleichzeitig mit dem Livestream in die mobile App bringen? Verwende die Option „Ultra Low Latency“ (sehr niedrige Latenz) in den Livestream-Einstellungen. Mit dieser Einstellung erreicht der Livestream die App mit nur 3–5 Sekunden Verzögerung. Da die Übersetzung etwa genauso lange benötigt, um gesprochen und übertragen zu werden, kommen sowohl Video als auch Audio fast gleichzeitig in der mobilen App an. Die Qualität des Livestreams wird dadurch in der Regel nicht beeinträchtigt. Viel Spaß beim Testen!
  • How to add a webpage as an icon on the home screen
    Android (Google Chrome) Open the webpage: Open the Google Chrome browser and navigate to the webpage you want to save as an icon. Open the menu: Tap on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of the browser to open the menu. Select "Add to Home screen": Choose the "Add to Home screen" option from the menu. Customize the name: Enter a name for the webpage that you want to see on your home screen, then tap "Add". Add the icon: The webpage will now be added as an icon on your home screen, and you can open it just like a regular app. iOS (Safari) Open the webpage: Open the Safari browser and go to the webpage you want to save as an icon. Tap the share icon: Tap the share icon (a square with an arrow pointing up) located at the bottom center of the screen. Select "Add to Home Screen": Scroll down in the share menu and tap on "Add to Home Screen". Customize the name: Enter a name for the webpage and tap "Add". Add the icon: The webpage will now be added as an icon on your home screen, and you can access it directly from there. With this feature, you can quickly and easily access ChurchTranslation and always have it at your fingertips.
  • Responsible Use
    This translation service is not free. Your church covers the cost of the translation service and each activated language. Therefore, we kindly ask you to request only the language you truly need. Maybe you can also use one of the already activated languages your church offers if you understand them. Church Translation Services: Real-Time Language Solutions for Churches At Church Translation, we aim to support multilingual churches with seamless real-time translations for sermons, Bible studies, and other church services. Our service includes audio translations into over 120 languages, ensuring that everyone, regardless of language, can fully participate in your services. With speech recognition technology, spoken sermons are translated in real-time, and attendees can access these translations on their smartphones via our user-friendly app. In today’s multicultural world, many churches struggle with language barriers among their members. Whether you have Spanish-speaking, Mandarin, Portuguese, or any other language community, Church Translation provides the tools you need to foster greater understanding and engagement. Our service allows you to preach the Word of God without worrying about language gaps, ensuring your message reaches everyone clearly. For churches hosting international events, missionary outreaches, or regular services, our cloud-based translation service delivers reliable and fast translations. The app is designed for ease of use, so members can follow along live, reading or listening to the sermon in their own language. This service enhances your inclusive worship experience, inviting people from all nations to engage deeply with your services. Customizable and Cost-Effective Church Solutions Our pricing model is designed to be accessible for churches of all sizes. Unlike traditional translation services, you only pay based on actual usage, which ensures that you’re getting the best value for your money. There are no surprise fees, and the flexible pricing can accommodate everything from small gatherings to large, multi-lingual events. How It Works Church Translation is powered by cutting-edge speech recognition and cloud technology. Sermons are processed in real-time, and translations are available through an app or web platform. This allows members to access the translated content either by reading or listening, creating a fully integrated worship experience. Global Reach for Local Churches By incorporating Church Translation into your ministry, you become part of a global network of churches offering accessible worship to multilingual congregations. This service is especially beneficial for communities with immigrants or international attendees. Whether your church is large or small, our system scales to meet your needs, ensuring everyone feels welcome and included.
  • Introduction for the audience - Flyer example
    Flyer to download: welcome, Bienvenue, Ласкаво просимо Gottesdienst, jeden Sonntag um 9.45 Uhr. Mit Übersetzung. Worship service every Sunday at 9:45 am. With translation. Culte tous les dimanches à 9h45. Avec traduction. Богослужіння щонеділі о 9:45 год. З перекладом. oder Online / or online / ou en ligne / або онлайн Öffne den Webbrowser auf dem Smartphone. Open the web browser on your smartphone. Ouvrez le navigateur Web sur le smartphone. Відкрийте веб-браузер на смартфоні. Wähle: Choose: Choisissez : Виберіть: Melde dich mit Google oder Apple an. Sign in with Google or Apple. Connectez-vous avec Google ou Apple. Увійдіть за допомогою Google або Apple. Wähle deine Sprache und deine Kirche. Choose your language and your church. Choisissez votre langue et votre l'église. Виберіть свою мову і свою церкву. Warte auf Einlass. Wähle allenfalls nochmals. Wait to be admitted. Select again if necessary. Attendez l'entrée. Si nécessaire, choisissez à nouveau. Чекайте входу. Якщо необхідно, виберіть ще раз. Wähle “Übersetzung”. Du bist verbunden. Select “Translate”. You are connected. Sélectionnez « Traduction ». Vous êtes connecté. Виберіть «Переклад». Ви підключені. Schliesse die Kopfhörer an. Du bist bereit. Plug in your headphones. You're ready. Connectez les écouteurs. Vous êtes prêt. Підключіть навушники. Ви готові. Warte auf die Übersetzung. Wait for the translation. Attendez la traduction. Чекайте на переклад.
  • Adjusting your text-to-speech experience.
    Android Open Settings: Go to the "Settings" app on your Android device. Navigate to Accessibility: Scroll down and tap on "Accessibility". Select Text-to-Speech Output: Under the "Screen readers" section, tap on "Text-to-speech output". Download Languages: Tap on "Preferred engine" and select the Google Text-to-Speech engine if it’s not already selected. Then, tap on the settings icon next to the Google Text-to-Speech engine. Here, you can see a list of languages available for download. Tap on the desired language to download it. Choose Voice Type: Once the language is downloaded, tap on the language to see different voice options (e.g., male or female). Select the preferred voice to use it. Adjust Voice Settings: You can also adjust other settings like speech rate and pitch to customize the spoken language experience. iOS Open Settings: Go to the "Settings" app on your iOS device. Navigate to Accessibility: Scroll down and tap on "Accessibility". Select Spoken Content: Under this section tap on "Spoken Content". Enable Speak Selection or Speak Screen: Turn on "Speak Selection" or "Speak Screen" to enable text-to-speech functionality. Download Languages: Tap on "Voices". You will see a list of languages under different sections like "English", "American", etc. Tap on the language you want to download and choose "Manage" to see available voices. Tap on the download icon next to the desired voice (e.g., male or female). Choose the largest data pack to get the best quality. Choose Voice Type: After downloading, tap on the voice you want to use. The device will use this voice for text-to-speech. Adjust Speaking Rate: You can adjust the speaking rate by moving the slider under "Speaking Rate" to make the voice faster or slower. Benefits of Customizing Text-to-Speech Personalized Experience: Choosing between different voices and adjusting the speech rate allows you to personalize your device’s text-to-speech experience.
  • How to add a webpage as an icon on the home screen
    Android (Google Chrome) Open the webpage: Open the Google Chrome browser and navigate to the webpage you want to save as an icon. Open the menu: Tap on the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner of the browser to open the menu. Select "Add to Home screen": Choose the "Add to Home screen" option from the menu. Customize the name: Enter a name for the webpage that you want to see on your home screen, then tap "Add". Add the icon: The webpage will now be added as an icon on your home screen, and you can open it just like a regular app. iOS (Safari) Open the webpage: Open the Safari browser and go to the webpage you want to save as an icon. Tap the share icon: Tap the share icon (a square with an arrow pointing up) located at the bottom center of the screen. Select "Add to Home Screen": Scroll down in the share menu and tap on "Add to Home Screen". Customize the name: Enter a name for the webpage and tap "Add". Add the icon: The webpage will now be added as an icon on your home screen, and you can access it directly from there. With this feature, you can quickly and easily access ChurchTranslation and always have it at your fingertips.
  • Integrate Youtube livestream without delay
    "How can you bring the translation to the mobile app at the same time as the livestream? Use the Ultra Low Latency option in the livestream settings. With this setting, the livestream will reach the app with only a 3–5 second delay. Since the translation takes about the same amount of time to be spoken and transmitted, both video and audio will arrive almost simultaneously in the mobile app. The quality of the livestream is usually not affected by this. Have fun testing. Wie kannst du die Übersetzung gleichzeitig mit dem Livestream in die mobile App bringen? Verwende die Option „Ultra Low Latency“ (sehr niedrige Latenz) in den Livestream-Einstellungen. Mit dieser Einstellung erreicht der Livestream die App mit nur 3–5 Sekunden Verzögerung. Da die Übersetzung ungefähr genauso lange braucht, um gesprochen und übertragen zu werden, kommen sowohl Video als auch Audio fast gleichzeitig in der mobilen App an. Die Qualität des Livestreams wird dadurch normalerweise nicht beeinträchtigt. Viel Spaß beim Testen!
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